Wheat Gluten CAS 8002-80-0

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Model: MOS8002-80-0
Brand Name: MOSINTER
CAS No.: CAS: 8002-80-0
Purity: ≥75%
Moisture %≤: 9
Protein (N 5.7 on dry basis) %≥: 75
Granulation (through 198 micron ) %≥: 95
Ash %≤: 1
Water Absorption (on dry basis) %≥: 150

Wheat Gluten (CAS: 8002-80-0)

Item Index
Moisture %≤ 9
Protein (N 5.7 on dry basis) %≥ 75
Granulation (through 198 micron ) %≥ 95
Water Absorption (on dry basis) %≥ 150
Ash %≤ 1

Wheat gluten is a food made from gluten, the main protein ofwheat. It is made by washing wheat flour dough with water until all the starch granules have been removed, leaving the sticky insoluble gluten as an elastic mass which is then cooked before being eaten.


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